Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Studio: Marbled Paper, "Ebru"

So, would you like to know what I've been up to?

Actually, what have we've been up to! 

Hello everyone! Yesterday was such a busy day for my little family! Remember the post about ebru (marbled paper) I had posted some weeks ago? Well, our friend, Master of ebru, Nuri Pınar, asked us if our kids would be available to participate in a TV program focusing on children practicing ebru. The kids were very happy and excited to be part of such an event!

Here they are choosing the colors they will use for their pictures, which Master Nuri Pınar makes and mixes himself:

My son Barbaros deep in concentration as he creates his ebru: 

...and my daughter Zulal being interviewed:

If you're in Turkey, the program will air on the 23rd of April to celebrate Children's Day, a national holiday here. I'll keep you posted on where and when!

Have a great week everyone!

all images by Kenan Pusatcioglu, 2013

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