Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sketching 101: Eyes

Hello everyone! I wanted to start off this weeke with a "how to" post on drawing an eye. I didn't want to get too complicated, so I tried drawing the simplest way I possibly can so all of you can try it out with ease.

To start off, I draw an eyebrow, and below it, the roughly shaped eye and iris:

Next, I complete the drawing of the eyebrow by adding the bottom line, with the same curve, and meeting it at the end of the top eyebrow line. Then, I add the pupil, the tear duct, and the waterline. The pupil is probably the most important element here. If you want the eye to look up, place the pupil slightly above the approximate middle of the eyeball. For the eye to look down, place it slightly below the approximate mid point of the iris. I wanted this eye looking a bit up.( I'll do another post showing you how to draw an eye looking down.)

Below, I started to shade the iris. Make short lines starting from the pupil and outward. Don't color or line any area you see light hitting the iris. At first it's much simpler to just leave it white, as you get better at drawing and shading, eventually you can shade in every part to give lightness and darkness to areas you want. I also filled in the eyebrow making small back and forth strokes with my pencil starting from the thicker part of the brow. At this point you can start darkening and completeing the eye contour lines for more depth:

The next step shown below involves more shading and darkening. Add depth by making small strokes from the outer corner of the iris towards the pupil, again leaving the parts hit with light untouched. You can see how shading the iris makes such a diference. Define the upper lid and eyelash area to get the eye ready for the next step:

Adding the lashes makes the eye look defined and completed. For some this might be the trickiest part, but I've found that if you can make continuous back and forth strokes starting from the eye outwards to the eyebrow, the process is easier and the lashes look more real. Also give the lashes a natural "curl"; drawing straight lines for lashes will most definitely give your eye an artificial look. To give depth and roundness, I shaded inside the white area of the eyeball as well. Start shading form the corners of the eyes inward. As you can see, the eye looks more natural when shaded and properly defined: 

So, there you go! If you think you need more information, or I may have left soemthing out, just give me a shout! You can always leave a comment or email me with any questions!

Enjoy your day!!

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