Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Color and style with a mix of glam...

Hello everyone! 

Been cleaning and organizing these past two days, and boy was there a lot to do! When I work I tend to do little things at a time like dust or vacuum a room. But now that I'm on a break from school and have more time, I take each room as a project on it's own. Yesterday I cleaned out the main closet and threw away A LOT of stuff...yaay! Today I went through my kid's bedroom and I am happy to say the room is squeaky clean... Another yaaay for me!

Now for some fun! You probably already know that I have a more practical, budget-friendly, and simple aproach to decorating...Having kids, working, and maintaing the house myself all requires a lot of effort. But sometimes I do adore homes with glamour and feminity, like this one....

The mix of gold, black and white, and powdery pink makes this home fabulous...The leopard prints scattered here and there accompanied with huge gilded mirrors gives it a classic touch. Personally, I especailly love the use of  fresh cut flowers and fashion illustrations throughout, giving the home the golden girl touch!

Have a great day!

Find all of this and more via styleathome.

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