Monday, July 15, 2013

Design: The stylish armchair

Hello everyone! 

I thought I'd never make it to my blog today because I had guests this morning over for brunch (yes, on a Monday!) which was fun and then relaxed a bit this afternoon and couldn't resist making one tiny post before I headed out tonight to dinner...

A couple of years ago my husband and I fell in love with these swivel armchairs that were conveniently half-priced at Ikea. They were being discontinued, and we unfortunately never made it back on time to purchase the footstools. About a month ago I discovered that the armchair had made a comeback, this time in leather (ours are in a greyish felt fabric) and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we will eventually find the matching footstools! 

Here are some rooms that have used the armchair quite stylishly:

...and one of the two armchairs we have in our living room. Love that it swivels round so it can face the TV, the library area, or the sectional sofa on the other side of the room.

Now, to go about finding those matching footstools!

May you have a very pleasant week!

last photo taken by me, 2013

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