Monday, August 19, 2013

Magnificent Riad in Marrakesh

Started work today and opposite to what I had thought, I actually missed teaching, as it turns out! Had fun meeting my new students (which are at an intermediate English level) and seeing my colleagues at work today...At home we 're having some work done on our ceilings. Last winter unfortunately our ceiling leaked (no drips, just some small specks of mold, but still enough damage to do something about it) and now that it's almost the end of summer we thought we could get the job done before any major rainfall appears. Nothing to show you really, so there won't be photos...
But speaking of photos, this home (!) in Marrakesh really inspired me to mix a bit more bohemian and ethnic elements (along with color) into my own apartment:

Find out more about this magnificent home right here.

 Enjoy your shiny brand new week everyone!

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