Monday, April 27, 2015

Some thoughts I wanted to share....

I think it's time to slow down the blogging phase which has been such a fun time in my life...

Not that I'm going anywhere...I'll be sticking around, showing up now and then. But I do want to focus more on what's important in life, and that's definitely my family.

I've found myself stressing out at times trying to deliver a post, and that sort of took the whole fun out blogging. So I've decided to take it easy and share with you what I really think is beautiful and important, as I come across it. 

I'm also hoping to share more about the city and region I live in, and the home I share with my two kids and husband Ken.

So until next time, take care.


  1. Hi, I'm glad you are not stopping completely and I would love to see more of your city and region and family and home. When you have posted about those in the past they have been some of my favorites. I have loved all the beautiful spaces you share with us but love the personal ones too. Enjoy your family and what's really important!

    1. Kathy thank you sooo much for your warm thoughts...I will definitely keep this blog going, but only from a slightly different angle and a different pace. Thanks again for being a dear reader!!
