Thursday, August 1, 2013

Colorful and modern Swedish apartment...

 Downsizing is a pretty hard thing to do. Before we relocated to Turkey, we lived in a 3000 square foot home close to Washington, DC. I had lived in apartments before, but to downsize 2 adults and 2 children from a single family to a 155 square meter home across the Atlantic was scaring me. But now that we've settled in, life couldn't be easier. We tend not to buy too much, we recycle a lot, and we (try) to stay organized. So I don't really miss the "bigger house" concept. Especially when I found this apartment located in Sweden, which is as big as my apartment, I thought of all the opportunities that may lie within this small abode of ours.

What do you think? Not too shabby for a "small" apartment!

images: wrede

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